Federal Communications Commission
Agent Catherine Deaton
Cerritos Corporate Towers
18000 Studebaker Road, Room 660
Cerritos, CA 90701
9 October 2000
Re: TVI Complaints involving KCRY-FM, Mojave California.
This report is to update you concerning efforts to resolve Television Interference (TVI) complaints by residents in the community known at Cache Creek, located near our transmitter site in Mojave, California. It is authored by Steven Herbert, Chief Engineer of KCRW, KCRU, KCRI and KCRY.
As a matter of background, Santa Monica Community College District operates three other radio stations (KCRW - Santa Monica, KCRU - Oxnard, & KCRI - Indio) in addition to KCRY - Mojave. KCRY was formerly listed as KCRI until early April when a call letter swap was authorized with another of our stations, then KCRY, Indio. KCRW feeds programming to these stations which operate as satellite stations of KCRW and put KCRY on the air under program test authority in May 2000. The transmitter site is located at coordinates 35-7-20 by 118-12-25. The antenna is mounted on a side leg of a guyed cellular tower operated by Crown Castle, Inc and currently supports antennas of Verizon Cellular (formerly GTE Mobilnet) and Nextel comminations. The area is a remote desert with a few scattered buildings visible from the access roads. The site lies well outside any city grade contour of Los Angeles television signals from Mt. Wilson and the only local TV signal is received from KHIZ, Victorville a UHF station.
Early June 2000 we were made aware of our first TVI complaint by Dennis Anderson. Anderson lives within the blanketing contour of the transmitter, a circle with a radius of 0.79 miles (4,192 feet) from the tower. Upon visiting Mr. Anderson at his home at 4507 Rockhouse Rd, we were informed that he had severe Herringbone interference to several LA VHF stations. He was using a 12" RCA color television of recent vintage with a Wineguard amplified travel trailer antenna. Per section 73.318 of the FCC rules, we believe we are exempt from resolving this complaint due to the amplifier in his antenna system. However in an effort to be a good neighbor, we wanted to do what we could to solve his problem.
Mr. Anderson was very helpful in explaining it was normal for the area to receive varying signal quality of TV signals depending on atmospheric conditions. He informed me that the only way residents have been able to get good quality signals to the sets was with the use of amplifiers and amplified antennas. We brought with us a $35 RCA outdoor TV antenna purchased at Home Depot, a 25 dB TV amplifier with built-in FM trap, and a Microwave Filter Corporation FM trap tuned to 88.1. Standing on the ground with these components yielded a very watchable signal. On June 20th we returned to his home and installed this antenna system for him and have heard nothing further.
It was on our visit to Mr. Anderson's home were we first made aware of a housing development that had been obscured from our view by local vegetation and terrain. We estimated that visit that approximately 18 homes made up the development. We later learned that there are 35 homes in the Cache Creek community. We have subsequently received a total of seven calls regarding TVI from neighbors in the Cache Creek area. As the area is a two-hour drive from our offices in Santa Monica, it was determined beneficial to hire a local engineer to help us resolve these complaints. Brad Sobel was contracted to evaluate complaints as we received them and aid us to determine the nature of the complaints. We also contracted with Carroll's Satellite Television in Lancaster, California to try to cure interference to those who reside in the blanketing contour.
What follows is a list of complainants and our efforts to resolve their complaints:
Pauline O'Dell 4297 Rockhouse Rd, Mojave, CA 93501
Called late June to complain about TVI on channels 5 & 7.
7/5 Mailed MFC Fast Trap. Called several days later to complain trap didn't work.
7/12 Referred to Brad Sobel
7/12 Sobel contacts O'Dell who vented about the problem. Made appointment to visit home.
7/13 visited home and determined bad antenna system.
7/17 Sobel contacts Carroll's Satellite to come out and try to cure interference.
7/18 Carrolls unable to reach O'Dell by phone
7/21 Steve Herbert receives call from Agent Deaton re: O'Dell's
7/24 New antenna, quad shielded cable, & MFC trap installed. Verified old antenna had built in amplifier.
7/25 O'Dell calls to complain installation didn't help. Referred to Brad Sobel. Seven calls made by Sobel
to O'Dell with no answer.
8/9 O'Dell calls Sobel & left message. Sobel attempted to return call at 10:15,10:30 & 10:45 am to get
busy signal.
8/16 Carroll's sent out to install Radio Shack FM trap
8/21 O'Dell complains that still has interference and can't watch TV
8/25 Herbert visits O'Dell's home at 12:00 Noon. Finds her watching TV with acceptable pictures on CH 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 54, 64 with some herringbone on Ch 7 (see photo) and slight static on Ch 5, but very watchable picture. Added additional Radio Shack traps with no change. Inserted VCR between antenna and TV and recorded receivable channels with KCRY both on & off the air. Copy of recording forwarded to agent Deaton at LA FCC office.
9/11 O'Dell calls Herbert complaing of thick tweed during General Hospital and Emmy's yesterday evening. Goes on for 10 minutes repeatedly stating 1) What are you going to do about it, 2) It's not fair, & 3) I hope something happens like this to you when you are old. Herbert tells her that reception has been viewable at each visit and KCRY transmissions don't vary in power or operation. Worsening of picture due to ducting and other atmospheric conditions and there's nothing more we can do.
Mid-September O'Dell claims Herbert damaged her VCR and is not working. Herbert only removed antenna lead from rear of unit to insert his VCR into antenna. Sobel sent out and found dead VCR. Station buys new VCR for O'Dell to avoid any further exchanges even though we don't believe we're responsible for broken VCR. Delivered and installed by Sobel in early October. O'Dell reportedly happy. No further action required as O'Dell clearly has viewable over the air television.
Olga Baehr 8141 Hwy 58, Mojave CA 93501
Called early July to complain about TVI.
7/5 Mailed MFC trap
7/8 Complains it didn't help.
7/21 Calls Sobel who notes she complained for 15 minutes about the TVI and wants transmitter moved.
Informed her of efforts at O'Dell's and we hope to have prototype installation shortly
8/7 Sent Carroll's Satellite to install new Antenna, Coax & MFC trap
8/9 Baehr still not happy with reception. Sent Carroll's back with RS trap to add to the mix.
8/25 Herbert visits Baehr's home and found her reception to be as good as O'Dell's. Momentary
interference observed when a big rig truck drove by which is believed to be caused by CB radio
with linear amplifier.
Early Oct. Received call from Baehr complaining about reception that day.
No further action required as Baehr clearly has viewable over the air television.
W. Herbert Mitchel 2784 Piute Pass, Mojave, CA 93501
6/23 Called mad complaining KCRY causing TVI. Wants compensation and satellite dish. Promised
to send trap when arrived from MFC.
7/10 Called asking where trap was. Discovered trap hadn't been sent. Fedex'd priority overnight
service MFC trap and RCA amplifier w/built in trap.
7/12 Referred to Sobel. Sobel notes "Really has attitude. He too wanted to Vent. Couldn't understand
why I needed to see his TV picture. Told me to 'Just move that damn thing (transmitter), we were
here first!'"
7/13 Mitchell calls Sobel and begins making terrorist threats.
7/25 Calls Sobel who informs Mitchell we're working on problem with O'Dell's home. He'll have next
8/7 Installed new antenna, quad shielded coax and MFC filter.
8/15 Called Sobel stating "What are you going to do now?" Unhappy with installation. Referred to
Carroll's for additional trap. Carroll's came out at end of August and installed Radio Shack trap.
Verified that Mitchell's reception is about the same as O'Dell's and Baehr's.
Mid Sep Mitchell calls Herbert still unhappy. In conversation Mitchell admits that picture is often
watchable on many stations but doesn't think that it's right that it's not good at other times.
Herbert told Mitchell he'll consult his engineers to see if there is something we haven't done, but in
all likelihood all that can be done has. Herbert speaks with Sobel about making one additional
visit to verify reception. Sobel warn's that Mitchell has both dogs and guns and is fearful for his
and Herbert's safety. Mitchell has made terrorist threats to transmission facility and the only way
he'll return is with Sheriff's escort. Antenna installer spoken with who confirmed that he didn't
feel threatened but noted that Mitchell is mad at Herbert and not at him. He verified reception at
Mitchell's was same as O'Dells on his visits. Based on these conversations we believe nothing
more can be done as he has viewable over the air television.
Cheryl Hanson 4202 Rockhouse Road, Mojave, CA 93501
Called 8/21 to complain of TVI. Referred to Sobel.
8/24 Sobel calls and left message for Hanson to call Herbert. (Sobel's employer complained about the
"crank" (Mitchell, O'Dell…) calls coming to the switchboard.)
Mid September Carroll's sent out and installed traps. No change in situation. Hanson had already
installed new antenna and didn't want another installation. Carroll's installer felt Hanson's antenna
was adequate.
9/25 Hanson calls Herbert regarding Satellite dish. Hanson indicates they are willing to pay for service
if station will pay for equipment. Herbert tells Hanson will have to consult with station
management as all homes to date have had watchable TV via antenna.
10/6 Herbert calls Hanson and agrees to dish for local channels. Hanson discussing with husband
whether they wanted to pay only for LA TV stations or for other programming services. Service
packages often bundle in dish or reduce the cost of equipment. Waiting to hear from Hanson. Resolution appears to be made in near future.
Stan McBryant 4832 Dove Drive, Mojave, CA 93501
7/10 Called to complain he's loosing channel 7 and sometimes channel 5. Doesn't watch TV much in
summer but wanted to correct problem for winter. Sent him MFC trap.
Mid August Called to say trap helped but not enough.
9//1 Carroll's came out and installed Radio Shack FM Trap in series with MFC trap. McBryant happy
with reception. No further action taken
Carol Hinkles, 4205 Rockhouse Road, Mojave, CA 93501
7/7 Received voicemail message from Ruth Hinkles concerning TVI at her home in Cache Creek.
Left no address of phone number to contact her. No listing of Hinkles in directory assistance.
Through Pauline O'Dell, received Hinkles address in August. Wrote Hinkles and received a return
phone call.
8/16 Carroll's dispatched to install new system. Hinkles wouldn't allow installer to replace antenna
or cable, nor the amplifier. Installed MFC & Radio Shack traps. Improvement noted to channels
2, 4 & 13. Channel 7 "not good" according to installation notes. Nothing further heard from
Hinkles. Since she refused antenna installation we are finished with her complaint.
The week of July 14, 2000 an article appeared in the local newspaper called "The Weekender". The article claimed that a public radio station from Santa Monica recently installed a transmitter which is "destroying television viewing for residents of Cache Creek Park." The article goes on with quotes from Baehr about her reception and quotes Herbert having helped one neighbor and encouraged those effected to call. The article generated calls from residents of Cache Creek and people several miles away, well outside the blanketing contour complaining of bad television reception. Brad Sobel visited most of these homes and found bad antennas, nearby CB antennas running at high power and verified that reception that was complained of was due to these factors plus normal inversion in the desert. The following is a list of complainants and a their complaints. All were contacted and suggested to pick up either the Radio Shack filter, install new antennas or consult with a professional TV firm such as Carroll's.
7/18 Ellie Koppel 8749 Lime Avenue, California City, 93505 Mentioned article. Channels 2 & 4
have black bar running down center of picture. Suggest they try trap.
7/18 David & Miron Stone 7619 Xavier Avenue, California City, CA 93505-1870 Called about
interference to channels 2-7 & 13. Referred to Brad Sobel
7/18 Leilani Mariotti 21617 Shaw St., California City, 93505. Complains about bad reception on
channels 2 & 4 but channel 7 ok. Referred to Brad Sobel. Amplifier mounted to antenna.
7/14 Carol Flores 2494 Nadeau St, Mojave, CA 93501-1508 Complains she has had reception
problems since February. Agrees it's not us and likes the programming. Referred her to Carroll's.
7/15 James Hill, California City, CA (won't give address) Claims to contacted to us regarding TVI.
Referred to Sobel
7/17 Fred Sands 27850 Cheyanne Blvd, Fremont Valley, CA Trouble receiving 2, 4, 7 & 9
7/15 Mrs. Verl Buttler 8104 Stagecoach Lane, Mojave, CA 93501-7219 Complains about interference
to CH 2, 4, 5 & 7. Reported that problem been going on for 6 months. Referred to Sobel.
We believe that we've gone out of our way to resolved TVI complaints in a difficult area with difficult people. It took us by surprise that there was as many residents located within the blanketing contour of the station and it took us awhile to figure out a good installation combination of quad shielded coax, antenna and traps. Should we receive any further calls over the next 8 months, we'll continue to resolve complaints in the following fashion: 1) Take pertinent information over the phone, and get as precise information of the complaint as possible. 2) Refer the complaint to Brad Sobel to evaluate the situation. Sobel looks at antenna, receiver, and factors to determine if we cause the problem. 3). If problem is related to our installation and complainant is located in station's blanketing contour, Carroll's Satellite Installations is dispatched to cure the problem to the best of their abilities and will install antenna, coax and traps as situation indicates.
Photos Enclosed:
All pictures taken by Steven Herbert on 8/25/00